This picture makes me smile. It’s how I feel at the moment, engaging with AI and so many different apps and softwares my head is starting to fill up to capacity 🙂 and overheat. Flipping the lid and letting in a bit of cool air would be great. For now a cup of tea and two chocolate digestives will have to do.
The idea behind this site is quite simple. I would like to share my journey online with you the reader and provide you with information and an awareness of what tools are out there to help you on your journey to owning and operating an Online Business.
Earning from Home.
My journey online started and finished a few years ago. I used to do a days work and come home and pound away at the key board, mainly for a website hosting company that paid a commission, based on a multi level marketing system or MLM as it is known. The cycle of work then more work for a small amount of reward was hard. I learnt two things as they applied to me. I didn’t like MLM and you can only do so much in a day. I focused more on my day job and quit the online stuff. Having also been scammed on a couple of side projects and losing what was for me, more than I could afford was the icing on the cake.
So really, I learnt three things… Buyer beware, if it looks too good?
My name is Sean and I’m retired now, and a bit older and wiser? 🙂 I’ve started my Online Journey again and it has changed so much. I’m having to learn it all from scratch again.
At my pace and time. Becoming your own boss is worth the time and effort.
We’ll discuss this on the blog, the amount of moving parts that have to be connected together is an eye opener and the cost of some of those parts is eye watering 🙂 Training or in my case re-training is also a factor. Having a mentor and or guidance is really important.
So what is next, Sean?
Good question, I’m going to focus on getting some general content on this site to fill it out a bit and on a weekly basis I intend to write, in-depth on an issue or subject that I really feel will help you.
If you see a form asking for your email address, fill it in. That is where the magic will happen and content that is a bit too exclusive to put on a blog for anyone to copy and use with their name on it will be.
Sean Breslin.
I’m going to leave this, as it is for now. I’ve got lots to do 🙂 Check back soon, this about page is far from finished!